Destruction of the Puzzle Train tracks by the mysterious PM terrorist group forces the Conductor to rethink his next project. Puzzle Island has also been postponed following its security being compromised.
An international puzzle festival is born. The World Cup of Puzzling! The top secret location of the Puzzle Castle should provide secrecy for the Conductor and the 17 international winning teams, but there’s a problem.
The Conductor’s inner circle has been infiltrated. Tom’s Puzzle Train win is leaked before it’s shown on TV, and it seems the PM group is more than interested in him.
Tom’s only protection against the group is the burly figure of Miss Reader, assigned to him by the Conductor following his attempted kidnap on Puzzle Island.
Join Tom and Isabelle as they attempt to make their way through the Puzzle Castle. The puzzles are harder, the competition is stiff, there are rumours of cheating but above all, Tom is about to be drawn into the bitter secrets of the Conductor’s past.